"David Essel ALIVE! Helping Americans Heal" David Essel, M. S. , O. M.

Gwilda Wiyaka : Author- So,We’re Still Here. Now What? 10/04/14

David Essel
Gwilda Wiyaka : Author- So,We’re Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in the New Era and Founder/Director of Path Home ..... The stories that Gwilda shares are amazing, "ghosts" that appear to her clients with messages.... Doctors who send her patients when they are unsure what is the cause of their physical challenges. Buckle up, the paranormal is a normal part of her life!http://gwildawiyaka.com http://www.findyourpathhome.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GwildaWiyaka Twitter: https://twitter.com/GwildaWiyaka Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gwilda-wiyaka/50/5/8b

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